Barista Space - Hand Grinder - Black

Barista Space - Hand Grinder - black / čierny

Barista Space mlynček má oceľové mlecie kamene.

Dobrý ručný mlynček na výberovú kávu za dobrú cenu.

Dobrý cool dizajn. Výborný darček pre kávomilca home baristu.

Nastavuje sa jednoducho hrúbka / jemnosť mletia čerstvej výberovej kávy.

Telo má Barista Space hliníkové.

18g čerstvej výberovej kávy pomelieš a toľko sa zmestí do nádobky na pomletú kávu.


Barista Space New Hand Grinder  is handy, has a stable steel burr, and offers grind adjustment, enabling you to grind coffee for various brewing methods. It is a great choice for both beginners and advanced home baristas, who value high quality and eye-catching equipment at a reasonable price.

The body and grounds container are made of aluminum, which makes the grinder stable and durable. The bean container holds up to 18 grams of beans, which is enough, for example, for a large portion of drip coffee. The lower container is screwed onto the upper part, so it stays securely in place when grinding. A rubber band around the body supports the grip, and the handle is finished with wood.

The heart of the grinder, its burr with an axis, is made of stainless steel. The burr is stable and offers greater grinding precision than ceramic burrs. The grinder is equipped with the grind ajdustment, thanks to which you can grind coffee for moka pots, French press, or any pour-over brewing method. The grind size is adjusted with a knob located under the burr. Switching the grind size is gradual. It is simple and turning the knob takes seconds.

Height:12 cm

Diameter: 5 cm

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Barista Space - Hand Grinder - Black

  • Videli: 4351
  • Kód produktu: Mlynček ručný
  • Dostupnosť: 1
  • 86,72 €
  • Bez DPH: 70,50 €

Štítky: mlynček na kávu, ručný mlynček na kávu,